In order for you to send out e-mail messages using an e-mail address with your own domain name, you have to make sure that the provider will provide you with usage of their SMTP server. The aforementioned is the software system that permits email messages to be transmitted. SMTP is an acronym for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and it manages all outgoing emails from applications, webmail and contact forms. Whenever a message is sent out, the SMTP server checks with all of the DNS servers worldwide where the emails for the receiving domain name are handled and when it obtains this data, it creates a connection to the remote POP/IMAP server to check if the recipient mail box exists. In case it does, the SMTP server sends the e-mail body and then the receiving server sends it to the mailbox where the recipient can open it up and read it. Without having a SMTP server on your end, you will not be capable to send messages at all.
SMTP Server in Cloud Hosting
With each and every cloud plan we offer you, you'll be able to use our SMTP server and send email messages using your preferred e mail app, webmail or a script on your site. The service is provided with the packages by default, not as a paid add-on or on demand, so that you can make use of your emails the instant you create them in your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. We have made in-depth tutorials how you can set up a mail box in the most popular desktop and smartphone email clients and they feature all SMTP options that you need as well as standard problems that you might come across as well as their solutions. If you work with an online contact form on your site, all you need to enter is the server name plus your email address, so you can get the form functioning very quickly.