With an .htaccess file, you can define how the server which deals with the requests to your websites have to act in various cases. This is a text file with directives that are executed when an individual tries to open your Internet site and what happens next will depend on the content of the file. As an example, you could block a particular IP address from accessing the site, so the server will decline the visitor’s request, or you can redirect your domain name to some other URL, so the server may direct the visitor to the new web address. You can also use custom error pages or shield any part of your site with a password, if you place an .htaccess file inside the correct folder. Many popular script-driven apps, such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal, use an .htaccess file to work correctly.
.htaccess Generator in Cloud Hosting
When you purchase any of our cloud hosting solutions, you can take full advantage of our intuitive .htaccess generator tool, which is part of the Hepsia CP. You shall not need to know what syntax the various directives in this sort of a file should have, as our tool is very easy to use and you will only have to check boxes or type URLs, so you can easily use an .htaccess file even in case you have never had a website hosting account before. Our .htaccess generator gives a wide range of options - you could block IP addresses, set the first page that loads when someone opens your site, create password protection, forward a domain to another web address, enable PHP in HTML files, enable Server Side Includes, and much more. You will even be able to set a different PHP version for each one of your websites.